The origins of the Community Development Association are in the 1970's and although the Association has changed names from time to time, it has an unbroken 50 year record of community activity.
Significant MICDA documents:
MICDA maintains insurance to cover public and product liability for its own activities and those of its Working Groups. A copy of the Certificate of Currency is available on application by writing to Les Sampson, President at: micda.president@gmail.com
Minutes of AGMs:
MICDA Financial documents:
The 2023 Financial Audit Report will be available here after the 2024 AGM. Please visit our Facebook page for updates on the date.
Significant report and plan documents:
Older documents:
For more information contact us.
MICDA Management Committee
As at 22 December 2024
President: Libby Illidge
Vice President: Joe Niven
Treasurer: Sara Harrington
Acting Secretary: Mary Anne Anderson
Management Committee Members:
Jim McArther
Heidi Streiner
Carl van Wyk
Previous MICDA Presidents:
2018 to 2024: Les Sampson
1996 to 2018: Lorna Hempstead
1995 to 1996: Mark Shanahan
1993 to 1995: Sue Malone
1989 to 1993: John Domelow
Grant auspicing
As an Incorporated Association with a sound track record MICDA has served to auspice public funds granted to smaller informal organisations, some of whom have become Working Groups under MICDA, some remain independent, and some have achieved their own incorporated status over time:
GRANT AUSPICING February 2024:
MICDA has been successful in securing a $595,350 grant from the Great Barrier Reef Foundation.
Read > Grant Assists Climate Change Action Towards a Net Zero Magnetic Island (Yunbenun).
The Magnetic Island Community Development Association (MICDA) has been successful in securing a $50,000 grant from the Queensland Department of Environment and Science.
The grant, under the Community Sustainability Action Grants Program, is for a community-led project that helps deliver climate action in Queensland.
GRANT AUSPICING for the year ended 31 December 2022:
For details of all grant auspicing and income, please see page 4 of the MICDA Financial Report 2022.
GRANT AUSPICING 2019 to 2022:
TCC = Townsville City Council, DSS = Australian Government Department of Social Services, GBRF = Great Barrier Reef Foundation, AIMS = Australian Institute of Marine Science.
August 2021: $157,000 funding from the Great Barrier Reef Foundation for the Reef Community Action Plan, renamed as Our World Heritage Island. (View the August 2021 Press Release).
MICDA auspiced $47,000 for the Reef Community Action Plan, Ecosystems Monitoring Program
MICDA auspiced $75,000 for the Reef Community Action Plan, Wulgurukaba Traditional Owners, to Protect and Strengthen Traditional Owner Cultural Heritage of Magnetic Island.
MINCA auspiced $35,000 to develop, communicate and implement a community vision and actions for Magnetic Island World Heritage Values - managed by MINCA.
Magnetic Island Network for Turtles (MINT) became a MICDA working group in 2013, and then a separate Association in 2022.
Friends of Parks – the National Parks Volunteers Group
Supported vet Ali Bee in the establishment of, and now very successful, Koala rehabilitation facility - the Magnetic Island Koala Hospital
Cranky Curlew film productions
Magnetic Island Film Society
West Point Rural Fire Brigade
Schoolies Weeks
Support with the establishment of the Nelly Bay and Geoffrey Bay Snorkel Trails
Bay of Origin (as part of the former Horseshoe Bay Primary School’s 75th Anniversary)
Magnetic Island State Schools Kitchen Garden Construction
Festivals and art events, such as the Magnetic Island Bay Dayz Festival 2009 - 2016 (50 events over a month each year), the Great Barrier Reef Film Festival 2016-2018, Tropical Talent circa 2008 and prior, The Ripple Effect (stage production as part of the Bay Dayz Festival) etc.
whatsonmagneticisland.com.au (local event and information website) with grant funding from the Townsville Queensland Solar City project 2008.
Community Engagement
Community consultation and engagement is vital to a thriving community. By sharing information from MICDA's Working Groups as well as from other key stakeholders on topics which affect the Island, we aim to include everyone.
The following is an overview of topics where MICDA has encouraged this engagement:
May 2022: Ecosystems Monitoring Workshop
May 2022: Formation of a Transport Working Group for Magnetic Island
March 2022: Future Energy Community Workshop and Tour
March 2022: Magnetic Island Tourism Masterplan Community Consultations
March 2022: Port of Townsville Channel Upgrade Public Session
February 2022: NBN Community Information Session
February 2022: TCC Have Your Say - West Point Road
December 2021: TCC Nelly Bay Excavation Notice
November 2020: Citizen Science Bonanza Notification
October 2021: Community Garden Surevy
September 2021: Palliative Care Workshop
September 2021: QLD Single Use Plastics Ban Notification
August 2021: Ecobiz Coaching Sessions
August 2021: Reef Assist Job Applications
August 2021: MI Men’s Shed Mental Illness Workshop
June 2021: Sick or Dead Wallaby Notification
March 2021: Magnetic Island Community Action Plan
November 2020: Magnetic Island Health Services Plan - Community Forum
October 2020: Magnetic Island Community Advisory Network - Healthcare Community Session
October 2020: Earthcheck Crisis Ready Workshop
October 2020: Cafe Conversations - Coping After The 2019 Monsoon Event
September 2020: Climate Media Centres Media Training
August 2020: GP Services Community Meeting
May 2020: Zero Waste Magnetic Island Survey
May 2020: MICDA Magnetic Island Have Your Say (Online and posted to all households)
March 2020: Future Proofing Magnetic Island Businesses Sessions
March 2020>: Magnetic Island COVID notifications
November 2019: Nelly Bay Groyne Update
August 2019: Future Proofing Magnetic Island Community Sessions
In addition to the vast amount of information and updates that are covered in our quarterly MICDA newsletter, MICDA encourages community engagement through it's Facebook page, and encourages sharing this information to other Magnetic Island Facebook pages.
Scroll through some of our previous projects:
Previous projects
MICDA has supported a number of key projects on Magnetic Island over it's long history. These have spanned projects from the arts to heritage, infrastructure and key community initiatives. Some of these include:
Progressive dinners, quiz nights, Island-based competitions, and gathering of business owners and operators.
1990s until 2010
Submitted annually to the Regional Tourism Awards Programme. Magnetic Island won 3 times and was runner-up/highly commended several times regionally, and won one State Award.
Light Up Maggie for Christmas - a Christmas lights and decorations competition and trail for both private homes and businesses and included a bus tour.
Provided the first Island community photocopier. (Initially funded by the Casino Gambling Fund and later replaced with funds from QCB).
2000 - 2001
Successful application to the Department of State Development under the Regional Business Development Scheme for funds to undertake a business plan for Magnetic Island. Result: Report by Peter Kenyon “Business and Community Development Action Plan” as a blueprint for the way forward. This included a change of name from MICCA (Magnetic Island Community and Commerce Assoc) to Magnetic Island Community Development Association (MICDA)
Results of the First Plan.
2001 >
Grant to employ a Business Development Officer for 18 months.
Comprehensive list of businesses operating on the Island (281 in 2001).
Business After Hours – an opportunity for business owners and operators to come together informally for discussions and ideas exchanges
Save Picnic Bay Jetty campaign – following State Government's decision to demolish 80% of jetty (with the opening of the new harbour at Nelly Bay) the campaign was successful and the jetty was given major restoration.
Structure of MICDA to include Working Groups – semi autonomous to “get on” with stuff.
HIP (Heritage infrastructure and Planning). Working Group was formed (and is ongoing), and has been the most significant activity of the last 20 years. This group, including some of the region’s most noted scientists, established that Magnetic Island is a part of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (and NOT excised from it), and produced several significant reports and papers that now form part of the national WHA archive. In turn this led to publications such as the Magnetic Island World Heritage Area brochure for both residents and tourists that spelled out the special values to be found solely on Magnetic Island within the GBR. This expert group continues to have input into all proposals at all levels of government that may impinge on the natural values of the Island.
The compilation of comprehensive New Residents Kits (delivered via all the real Estate Agents) and only discontinued when whatsonmagneticisland.com.au was established.
Grant to build the Nelly to Arcadia Walking Track (over Greystones Corner), precursor to the current Gabul Way walkway.
Won the TV Blackspots Programme grant and implemented to improve reception for both Horseshoe and Nelly Bays.
Organised a range of activities as part of the region’s VP60 celebrations/commemorations (Victory in the Pacific).
Horseshoe Bay Markets commenced.
Butts Out campaign to eliminate the dropping of cigarette butts on Magnetic Island.
Bay Dayz Festival Commenced (and ran to 2016).
Commencement of the community event and information website whatsonmagneticisland.com.au
2010 – 2017
Actively auspiced and supported research (especially by finding sponsors and accommodation), by James Cook University then University of Melbourne, in the health of the wild koala population on Magnetic Island in the light of national declines.
Implementation of the Second Community Action Plan with Peter Kenyon.
The Mums and Bubs working group was successful in persuading Townsville City Council to securely fence Picnic Bay central park and install play equipment and a shelter.
Partnership with MINCA produced the Magnetic Island’s Worst Weeds information pamphlet.
Organised activities as part of the region’s celebration of VP 70 (Victory in the Pacific)
2014 - 2016
Magnetic Island Beer Can Regatta began and was run as part of the Bay Dayz Festival under MICDA.
MICDA funded to employ artists to repaint all the murals in Picnic Bay.
Auspicing and support for the Great Barrier Reef Film Festival.

Become a MICDA member today!
Join MICDA and become an integral part of our Island community, and have a vehicle for expressing your point of view to all levels of government, influence consistent and coordinated management of this World Heritage location, and contribute to the future directions of Magnetic Island.
We always have lots of projects on the go, so there is also always something to do. If you would like to volunteer your time* why not become a member? It's only $25 a year, or $15 concession.
Your MICDA membership also helps to support all of our volunteer Working Groups and includes a quarterly newsletter directly into your inbox. Register today!
*Please note, some volunteer groups such as Magnetic Island Markets, Magnetic Island Network for Turtles and National Parks Volunteers require a MICDA membership so that you're covered under MICDA's insurance. Please contact the Working Group Coordinator if you need further information to register your interest.