Climate Action
2024 Waste Audit Report
To support the development of the Magnetic Island Zero Waste Strategy, APC Consulting, the waste expert contracted by MICDA pursuant to the 'Towards Net Zero Magnetic Island (Yunbenun) Climate Action Project, was commissioned by Townsville City Council (TCC) to carry out a waste audit on the island. A summary of the findings of that audit carried out in May 2024.
Read the: APC Waste Audit 2024 Magnetic Island

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Totally Renewable Magnetic (TRM):
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Discover a fascinating series of locally created short films, that feature members of our community telling their own stories.
Keep an eye out for our Cup Library whenever you go to buy your next coffee, tea, or cold drink at our island events.
You can help to make Maggie plastic free, by simply using this free service.
It's easy!

Catch up on our Climate Action Project Newsletters here:
Past Event
TRM Annual Energy Forum
Saturday 2nd November from 1.30pm to 3pm
Indigo Room Peppers Blue On Blue
The Forum aimed at providing information to local businesses and residents on electricity and cyclone preparedness, along with updates on the microgrid program, what the group has been doing this year and updating the community about our Energy Business Advisor program.

Past Events
Community Consultation
New Zero Waste Strategy
Friday 1st to Thursday 7th November (various times and venues)
Residents were invited to join any of the sessions listed to have their say on how we manage our island waste.
Where are we at?
MICDA, Totally Renewable Magnetic (TRM), and Zero Waste Magnetic Island (ZWMI), with funding from the Great Barrier Reef Foundation and as part of the Towards Net Zero Magnetic Island (Yunbenun) project, worked with the University of Queensland on a community survey to explore islanders actions and attitudes towards a range of waste and energy related behaviours.
The results of this Survey are now available. Feel free to share and use it.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Aniko Papp at
View/download: ZWMI & TRM Community Survey Results - June 2024

Past Event
Focus Group for Business
New Zero Waste Strategy
Monday 4th November at 6pm
Arcadia Village Hotel (upstairs)
Business owners and operators were invited to join a one-off session to have their say on how we manage our waste.
Past Event
Sunday 4th August 2024:
Magnetic Island State School Centenary
On 4 August 2024, our team hosted a stall at the Magnetic Island State school 100 Year Celebration.
We enjoyed catching up with residents and chatting about all things Towards Net Zero Magnetic Island (Yunbenun).

A great day was had by everyone at the Magnetic Island State School Centenary.
Past Event
Sunday 1st September 2024: Picnic Bay Foreshore
On 4 August 2024, our team hosted a stall at the Townsville Airport Father's Day in Picnic Bay.

Past Event
Monday 4th March 2024:
Magnetic Island Business Launch
The Business Launch for the Climate Action Project, with the support of Tourism Magnetic Island (TMI), was directed at local island businesses which are largely tourist based.
The focus was to address questions around waste and energy actions which may lead eco accreditation these businesses. For example:
Why should they change their business practices?
What is in it for them?
How will this increase their profits?
What are the benefits and challenges for tourist businesses especially on Reef islands, given rapid policy changes around climate change and sustainability issues.
Guest speakers included:
Peter Gash AOM of Lady Elliot Island resort:
Anne Prince APC:
Diana Condylas Coordinator:
Plastic Free NQ | Plastic Free Places
Boomerang Alliance Australia

Past Event
Saturday 20th April 2024:
Residents Climate Action Morning Tea
Over 50 residents met at our project launch about renewable energy and zero waste on Magnetic Island. Traditional Owner and Wulgurukaba elder Brian Johnson gave everyone a warm welcome and a thoughtful speech about the Island. (See our Launch video).
Thanks to our speakers: Les Sampson (former MICDA President), Joe Niven (coordinator Totally Renewable Magnetic), Julie Woodlock (Coordinator Zero Waste Magnetic Island), Anne Prince (APC waste expert), Laura Dunstan (Great Barrier Reef Foundation), Diana Condylas (Plastic Free NQ).
Our new Business Advisors, Adriana Labate (Zero Waste) and Stephen Rodan (Energy) also met many islanders during this event.
Like to know more about the Magnetic Island Climate Action Project?
Visit our Climate Action Project Overview page to find out more, become involved, ask a question, or provide feedback. We'd love to hear from you!