Port of Townsville Liason
The Port of Townsville has a Community Liaison Group (CLG). MICDA was invited in 2019 to have representation on the CLG and has been continuously engaged since then.
The CLG members include Port customers, community groups and individuals who have a strong interest in the operations of the Port, Port sustainability and future Port development plans.
In exchange for regular updates on Port activities, CLG members provide valuable feedback, opinions and input into our operations, stakeholder engagement and future plans.
Members are encouraged to contribute to the bi-monthly agenda which includes trade performance and potential new cargo, environmental monitoring results, major project information, cruise and defence ship attraction progress, and community engagement initiatives.
MICDA has been engaged with the Port of Townsville specifically about the disposal of maintenance dredge material and is exploring various options with the Port. The CLG meets four times per year and memberships are reviewed every 12 months.
Aniko Papp
0400 305 714
Alternative Dredge Material Placement Area
In early August 2024, the Port of Townsville’s Community Liaison Group meeting (CLG) took place on Magnetic Island. The Magnetic Island Marine Action Group, made a presentation to the CLG around community perceptions as to the impact of dredging on the island's marine environment.
The Port’s Environment Operations Lead Adam King presented on the Port’s Alternative Dredge Material Placement Area (DMPA) investigations. After engaging a team of third-party technical specialists who analysed a range of environmental and logistical challenges, the decision was made to reconfigure the existing placement area into deeper water within the existing Port exclusion zone. For more information please contact the Port’s Climate and Environment team on 4781 1500. The next Townsville Port’s CLG meeting (which is not a public meeting but MICDA is a member of the CLG) will be on 6 November 2024.
If you’d like any topics raised at the CLG please email Aniko Papp on misdp.coord@gmail.com
Update August 2024